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amaax llc

We provide platform for buying and selling products online including b2b ecommerce by connecting millions of global businesses. Pocket more for each sale with taking lowest rates in some cases. Our professionalism is reflected in our transparent communication and respect for confidentiality.


Decade of Experience



Amaax LLC

Your trusted online marketplace since 2016.

Many business offering

Explore products and manufactureres / suppliers from business offering from our global verified suppliers for your business.

Assured quality and transaction

Ensured production quality from our verified suppliers, with protection of your order from payment to delivery.

One stop trading solution

Streamline ordering from product / supplier search to order management, payment and fulfillment, all in one place.

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Find the best and trending outfits.

Top Features

Direct from manufacturer
✓ Assured quality assurance
One stop trade solution

Buy & Sell online
with E-commerce

Effortlessly add an online store to your website and start selling your products. Our platform integrates with popular payment gateways and shipping providers.

24/7 Support

Our dedicated support team is available around the clock to assist you.

Analytics and Reporting

Stay on top of your website’s performance with real-time analytics.

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Home electrical appliances

For the medical professional

Tech gifts under $100

Placeholder image used to represent products being showcased in a left side of a banner. 1 out of 2.
Placeholder image used to represent products being showcased in a left side of a banner. 2 out of 2.

For the gamers

Placeholder image used to represent products being showcased in a right side of a banner. 1 out of 2.
Placeholder image used to represent products being showcased in a right side of a banner. 2 out of 2.
Placeholder image used to represent products being showcased in featured categories banner. 1 out of 3.

Home decor

Placeholder image used to represent products being showcased in featured categories banner. 2 out of 3.

Retro photography

Placeholder image used to represent products being showcased in featured categories banner. 3 out of 3

Handmade gifts

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My experience at the shop was great. The product was precise, the service was excellent, and the delivery was in the prescribed period. Highly recommend this restaurant.

Alice Smith


ACME Company

Haven’t found the right supplier yet? Let matching verified suppliers find you.


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